Planting (Pineapple)
Planting is done by hand, with or without the aid of a planting machine. Use of the latter results in uniform, neat plantations.
Plant spacing:
- Spacing from ridge centre to ridge centre: 1, 5 m.
- Each ridge must carry a double row of plants.
- Spacing between rows should be 60 cm.
- Spacing between the plants in the row: 30 cm
- Planting season:
- Planting takes place at the beginning of the rainy season or it can start any time in the irrigated areas.
- Scaly leaves should be removed from the lower portion of the propagule stem to expose the primodia (future roots). If this is not done, establishment will take long.
- Planting density:
- Pineapple plants respond very positively to high density planting giving satisfactory results under different growing regions.
- Some farmers use double rows, others 3 rows, others more.
- Pineapples are generally planted in double rows spaced with 60cm between the rows, 50cm between plants 120 cm between adjacent double rows. The propagules are planted in these recommended spacing, following triangular method.
- Planting methods:
- Flat bed planting: planting is done on flat beds in lines in areas where soil erosion is not a problem.
- Raised bed planting: this system is suitable for low-lying lands. In general, 2-3 lines planting is practiced on raised beds. The channels in between beds facilitate proper drainage and if necessary can be used for irrigation purpose.
- Furrow planting: Field is laid out in trenches, generally 90cm width alternating with mounds. In sloppy areas, trenches are to be made across the slop. Depth of the trenches may be about 22.5 to 30 cm.
- Contour planting: In order to prevent soil erosion due to excessive rainfall, contour planting is advisable.