1 Crop Propagation
The passion fruit can be propagated by seeds, cuttings or by grafting.
1.1. Propagation by seed
Fresh seeds should used because they germinate easier than seeds older than 2 months. If older seeds are used they should be soaked for at least one day to improve germination. Seeds will germinate in 2-4 weeks. The seedlings are generally raised in polythene bags 15 cm wide and 25 cm deep. Three seeds are put in one bag and thinned to one seedling after two months. The seedlings are ready for transplanting 3-4 months by then they are 15-25 cm in height. The plant is in flower 5-7 months after transplanting.
1. 2. Propagation by cuttings
Cuttings are set in coarse sand and later transplanted into bags or a nursery bed. The seedlings grow slowly and require 3-4 months to reach the transplanting height of 15-25 cm.
1. 3. Propagation by grafting
Grafting is often used to control diseases. Yellow passion fruit is used as resistant rootstock.
1.2. Transplanting
Commercial plantations adopt a within row spacing of 1.2-1.8 m and between rows spacing of 3 m. This gives around 1900-2700 plants/ha. Planting holes of 45 x 45 x 45 cm should be filled with topsoil mixed with 10 kg compost or manure. Transplanting is done at the start of the rainy season. At planting, the soil around the plants should be firmed down to establish good root/soil contact. The seedling should then be watered to ensure quick rooting and establishment of the plant.
For grafted propagation, the grafting spot should not have any contact with the soil during and after planting in order to avoid fungal infection.
It is important to erect structures for the vines to climb on before planting so that as the vines grow they are trained to climb on these structures.