Planting of Rice
- Preparing seed beds for a 500 m2 field
- 3 seed beds of 1 m wide and 6 m long (Figure 1).

Figure 1: Seed beds
- Spacing between beds= 40-50 cm to enable the farmer to pass while caring for the seedlings. (Figure 2).

Figure 2: Seed bed preparation and spacing
Leveling the seed beds using a wood stick (Figure 3)
Figure 3: Leveling the seed beds
- Fertilizer application (12.5 gr of NPK in every m2 or two caps of a water bottle since one cap weights 6 gr ( Figure 5). The fertilizer is immediately mixed with the soil using own fingers. You can also use well decomposed manure ( Figure 6).

Figure 5 Figure 6
- Preparing rice seeds and fertilizers
- Seed selection and disinfection
- Seeds are selected through water soaking. Sunken seeds remain in the bottom while unfilled ones float to water level. These ones are removed ( Figure 7,8)
- Sunken seeds are, then soaked in Kitazine solution for 24 hours. Kitazine is diluted as follows: (Figure 9)
- I liter of water + 10 ml of Kitazine or 5 gr of Beam (5 caps of lemonade bottle)
- Needed seeds we need 25-30 per Hectare or 1.25 – 1.5 kg per 500m2 (Standard plot).
- After soaking the seeds in the solution, they must be air-dried so that the solution can be removed from them ( this operation lasts for half a day) (Figure 10).
- Soaking the seeds in water for 48-72 hours. Soaking water must be changed daily (Figure 11).

Figure 7 Figure 8 Figure 9 Figure 10 Figure 11
- Covering the seeds from soaking for 24 hour in a cool place so that they can sprout (Figure 12 and 13).

Figure 12 Figure 13
Seed disinfection plays a role to control occurrence of seed-born disease such as Bakanae disease, blast disease, brown spot, and grain rot.
- Planting seeds in the nursery
- Seed quantity and distribution
• Use 0.15 Kg - 0.2 Kg per are following the seed variety.
- Sow the seeds evenly in the seed beds (Figure 14)

Figure 14: sowing the seeds in the nursery seedbeds
- Caring for the nursery after sowing the seeds in the seedbeds
- Covering the seedbeds with dry grass or banana leaves so that the soil can remain moist and preventing birds from eating the seeds (Figure 15).

Figure 15
Remove the mulch 4-5 days after sowing when the seeds are sprouting. Water between the seed beds must be at the same
- level as the seedbeds because it controls weeds and allows the seedbeds to maintain the moisture (Figure 16).

Figure 16
- Apply basal fertilizer: 70/m2
- Rice is transplanted 3 weeks after the nursery establishment
- Transplantation is done on parallel lines with 25cm of spacing between lines and hole
• Plant 2-3 seedlings in the hole.