To get the best head start, turn over your pea planting beds in the fall, add manure to the soil, and mulch well.
As with other legumes, pea roots will fix nitrogen in the soil, making it available for other plants.
Peas will appreciate a good sprinkling of wood ashes to the soil before planting.
Sow seeds outdoors 4 to 6 weeks before last spring frost, when soil temperatures reach 45 degrees F.
Plant 1 inch deep (deeper if soil is dry) and 2 inches apart.
Planting spacing Double rows of 10 x 50 to 60 cm
Get them in the ground while the soil is still cool but do not have them sit too long in wet soil. It’s a delicate balance of proper timing and weather conditions. For soil that stays wet longer, invest in raised beds.
A blanket of snow won’t hurt emerging pea plants, but several days with temperatures in the teens could. Be prepared to plant again.
Peas are best grown in temperatures below 70 degrees F.
Fertilizer Rate: 200 kg/ha of rock phosphate. 20tons/ha of manure.