
Poultry Record Keeping

Poultry Record Keeping

A poultry farmer has to keep records as follows:

  • Inventory: inventory of available layers or broilers.
  • Health records: including birth dates, mortality, signs and symptoms, diagnosis, treatments and vaccinations, etc.
  • Feed consumption: amounts of feeds to  provide following the requirements of each category.
  • Egg production records: recording produced eggs ( normal, abnormal, breaks),
  • For broilers, weight records are taken every week and meat production records are kept.

8. Breeds

In Rwanda, we have  the following poultry breeds:

- Egg layers: Isa Brown

Isa brown chicken Personality: ISA Brown Chickens are one of the best breed for a first time chicken owner, they originate from France and weight around 4.5-6 kg for adults. They are  extremely personable and get along with humans extremely well. Isa Browns are also a great choice for the family with children, whether the kids are at home or school age, ISA browns are gentle chickens that tend not to be flighty around children as some other breeds are. They lay more than 300 eggs annually.

- Broilers: Cobb 500

Cobb 500 broilers are:

  • Lowest cost of live weight produced
  • Superior performance on lower cost feed rations
  • Most feed efficient
  • Excellent growth rate
  • Best broiler uniformity for processing
  • Competitive breeder

Local chicken