


1.1. Field preparation


Sorghum crop has to be sown in rows spaced with 0.75 m and 0.20 m within row. It can be sown continuously or in holes. Figure 4 presents rows tracing and sorghum sowing respectively

Before planting sorghum, field has to be prepared very well. Soil has to be ploughed twice in order to have a good seedbed before sowing.

 1.2.  Fertilization

Sorghum crop has to be fertilized with organic manure and mineral fertilizers. A total of 200 kgs per 100 m2 (per Are) of well decomposed organic manure has to be applied before carrying out the second land preparation. Also 2.5 kg/Are of NPK 17-17-17 has to be applied during sowing or 2 weeks after emergence.

1.3. Rows tracing and sowing

Sorghum crop has to be sown in rows spaced with 0.75 m and 0.20 m within row. It can be sown continuously or in holes. Figure 4 presents rows tracing and sorghum sowing respectively