


  • Papaya starts flowering after 6-8 months and fruits are ready for harvesting 8-10 months after trees have been planted.
  • The physiological development stage of fruit at the time of harvest determines the flavour and taste when the fruit is ripened.
  • Fruits harvested too early have longer post harvest life, but give abnormal taste and flavour. Fruits also tend to shrivel and suffer chilling injury when refrigerated.
  • Harvest when at least 2 yellow strips appear between the ridges of the fruit.
  • Harvest by cutting fruits from the tree, leave a stem 0.5-1 cm long on the fruit. The stem can later be reduced when packing the fruits.
  • Avoid latex flowing on the fruit by placing the stalks of harvested fruits facing downwards.
  • Place the fruits gently into the harvesting crates.
  • It is better to harvest the fruits early and leave them to ripen in shade.


  • Under good conditions fruiting starts within a year from planting and continues with a yield of 30-150 fruits per tree during its life span. A yield of 35-50 ton/ha can be realized per year. The fruits are available throughout the year provided water is adequately available. A pawpaw plantation can be productive for 4-5 years but the economical period is 3-4 years.