Apart from leaving sweet potato in the field during dry periods, sweet potatoes are perishable crops. They can be stored at normal room temperature ( 12-14oC), in a dry place away from light.
In more advanced countries, sweet potatoes can be stored in what is called " banking - This required circular beds with foot high earthen walls to be prepared. The base of the circle was covered with straw and the potatoes piled up in a cone structure. The key with this type of sweet potato storage was to provide ventilation, prevent water from entering and keep the tubers cool You can store them in baskets to allow aeration but will not stay longer to avoid rotting. Sweet potato storage period cannot exceed two months.
Sweet potatoes are perishable and storage is a bit difficult. However, they can be processed into other food stuffs which can be stored for a long period. Those products are mainly made of sweet potato flour. Those are biscuits, bread, doughnuts, juices, chips, etc...