Planting of irish patatoes
Potato seed
Potato seed must:
Be disease free
Be free from any defect,
- Have middle size 25-55 ml of diameter),
- Have sprouted enough ( 3-4 sprouts),
- Be selected and certified,
- You can buy potato seed from a nearby seed multiplier or agro dealer.

This picture portrays well sprouted potato seed
N.B: you have to change the seed at least after four times if you are using the seed from the one you bought.
- Planting time: potatoes are planted in September for Season A and the second half of February or first half of March for season B, following how it rains.
- On one 1ha, use 2 to 2,5 tons of seeds,
- Spacing: 80cm between rows and 30 cm between holes;
- Prior to planting, apply farm manure and NPK 17 17 17 in planting holes and blend them with the soil. Plant 1potato per hole (8 to 10 cm deep) with sprouts facing upwards. Cover the potato seed with soil since irish potato is a tuber of the same family as sweet potato, cassava, taro and yam.