The first weeding is done 2 to 3 weeks after planting, followed by top dressing and earthing up to support the plants but also to control the soil erosion. Second
- and or third weeding are done when needed to minimize the competition for water, light, nutrients and space with the weeds.
- Apply 50 kgs of Urea per Ha or 100 kg of NPK 17-17-17 at the weeding time.
- One of the most common pole bean supports is, well, the pole. This straight stick is so often used when staking beans that it is has given its name to the bean it supports. The bean pole is used because it is one of the easiest ways how to stake up pole beans. When using poles as pole bean supports, you’ll want the pole to be 6 to 8 feet tall. The pole should be rough to help the bean grow up the pole. When planting pole beans to grow on a pole, plant them in hills and place the pole in the center of the planting.
- Climbing beans provide the best option for intensification and production of surplus beans in Rwanda where arable landholdings are diminished shortage of staking wood is a major challenge limiting the wider adoption of the crop. Due to wood scarcity, the staking option using trellises and reduced number of wood has proved to reduce dependency on woody stake while maintaining yield benefits.
Photo: Pole staked beans